Farmina VetLife Prescription Diet Feline Obesity 85g (12 cans)

Farmina VetLife Prescription Diet Feline Obesity 85g (12 cans)

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  • 正確攝取可溶性和不溶性纖維有利於飽足感。低熱量密度有助於減輕過多的體重。
  • 減少脂肪攝取量以減少飲食中的熱量含量。
  • 高水平的具有高生物價值的蛋白質以及與左旋肉鹼(肌肉能量代謝效率)和牛磺酸(肌肉收縮力)的整合支持瘦體重的正確發展。
  • 較高的纖維含量有助於治療貓咪的四種反應性疾病。 

Farmina Vet Life Obesity 是一種完整的貓咪減肥食品,可減少過度體重。


成份: 雞柳、丸狀蛋、甘藷、魚(沙丁魚、鮪魚)、豌豆纖維、魚油、雞脂肪、藜麥籽萃取乾胡蘿蔔、寡果(0.15%)、酵母萃取物(甘露寡糖來源) -低聚醣)、車前子殼和種子、碳酸鈣、食用油、氯化鉀、氯化鈉、二水硫酸鈣、葡萄糖胺、硫酸軟骨素.. 絲蘭、乾啤酒酵母。 

分析: 分析粗蛋白12.00%;粗脂肪2.40%:粗纖維2.00%;粗灰分2.30% 水分76.00% 鈣0.25%;磷0.20% 鈉0.15%;鉀 0.20% Omega-6 脂肪酸 0.40%、Omega 3 脂肪酸 0.12%、EPA 0.03% DHA 0.03%。


  • The correct intake of soluble and Insoluble filber favours the satiety sensation. The low caloric density supports the reduction of excessive body weight.
  • Reduced fat intake to reduce the caloric content of the diet.
  • The correct development of lean mass is supported by high levels of protains with high biological value and the integration with L-Carnitine (muscular energetic metaboilsnefficiency) and Taurine (muscular contractility).
  • The higher content in fibers helps in treating four-responsive diseases in cats.


Farmina Vet Life Obesity is a complete dietetic food for cats for the reduction of excessive body weight.


chicken fillet, bolled chicken eggs, sweet potato, fish (sardine, tuna), pea fibre, fish oil, chicken fat, quinoa seed extracted dried carrot, fructo-oligosaccharides (0.15%), yeast extract (source of manno-oligo- manno-oligo ligo-saccharides), psyllum husks and seeds, calcium carbonate, ate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium sulphate dihydrate, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate.. Yucca schidigera, dried brewers' yeast. 

Analytical constituents:

Analytical crude protein 12.00%; crude fat 2.40%: crude fibres 2.00%; crude ash 2.30% moisture 76.00% Calcium 0.25%; Phosphorus 0.20% Sodium 0.15%; Potassium 0.20% Omega-6 fatty acids 0.40%, Omega 3 fatty acids 0.12%, EPA 0.03% DHA 0.03%.

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