
有專家預測,因為人們越來越重視可持續性,昆蟲將成為替代蛋白質(Alternative Protein)越來越受歡迎的選擇。而坊間亦有不少毛孩轉用蟲糧後皮膚敏感問題以及消化功能都得以改善。

Pettington 研究了幾篇關於昆蟲蛋白的研究文獻,本文將為大家詳細講解昆蟲成分作為替代蛋白的各種原理及好處。







  • 昆蟲富含維生素和礦物質,身體可以比牛肉或小麥更快速地吸收。
  • 昆蟲含有高量的抗氧化劑,有助於保護身體免受自由基引起的細胞損傷。
  • 可食用的昆蟲是必需脂肪酸的重要來源。許多昆蟲提供了最佳的Omega 3:6平衡。
  • 昆蟲的外骨骼幾丁質(exoskeleton)是一種益生元纖維,可以為有益菌提供食物,進入人類或寵物的腸道深處。

雖然全球正在使用多種昆蟲物種進行人類和動物食用,但在寵物食品中全球主要使用的昆蟲是黑水虻 (Black Soldier Fly)幼蟲。黑水虻幼蟲是一種完整而平衡的寵物食品,可與肉類蛋白質來源相輔相成。

黑水虻幼蟲從本應浪費的水果、穀物和蔬菜中吸收食物和水。根據Bühler Insect Technology Solution的說法,與生產雞肉相比,黑水虻幼蟲對於環境保護的優勢非常明顯。生產雞肉需要約多13倍的土地、7倍的水、5.5倍的CO2排放和1.5倍的能源。




  1. 可持續和環保:與傳統蛋白質來源如牛肉、雞肉和豬肉相比,黑水虻幼蟲的環境足跡更小。它們需要更少的土地、水和能源來生產,並且排放的溫室氣體和廢物量更少。因此,在寵物食品中使用黑水虻幼蟲可以幫助減少寵物食品生產對環境的影響。
  2. 高營養價值:黑水虻幼蟲富含必需營養素,如蛋白質、鈣和鐵,以及維生素和礦物質。它們也是Omega-3和Omega-6脂肪酸的良好來源,這對於維持寵物健康的毛皮和皮膚非常重要。
  3. 低過敏原性(Hypoallergenic):黑水虻幼蟲是低過敏原性的蛋白質來源,這意味著與其他蛋白質來源(如牛肉、雞肉和豬肉)相比,它們對寵物引起過敏的可能性更小。
  4. 易消化:黑水虻幼蟲是高度易消化的,這意味著寵物可以從食物中吸收更多的營養素。這可以有助於改善整體健康狀況,降低消化問題的風險。



  • 一些寵物可能不喜歡昆蟲蛋白質寵物食品的口感或質地,因此可能需要一些時間讓它們適應這種新型蛋白質。
  • 雖然昆蟲蛋白質通常被認為是低過敏原的,但仍有可能一些寵物對這種蛋白質產生過敏反應。在引入新型食物到寵物的飲食中時,總是要密切監測寵物是否有任何過敏反應。



>> 相關產品: 按此查看Green Pet Food 昆蟲蛋白貓狗糧系列


1. 以下研究結果表明黑水虻幼蟲對狗是安全和易消化

Tarra A Freel, Alejandra McComb, Elizabeth A Koutsos “Digestibility and safety of dry black soldier fly larvae meal and black soldier fly larvae oil in dogs”, Journal of Animal Science, Volume 99, Issue 3, March 2021, skab047Abstract:

Two trials were conducted to assess the acceptance, safety and digestibility of diets containing various inclusion levels of partially defatted black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae (BSFL) meal and BSFL oil by dogs. In trial 1, 5 extruded diets were evaluated for acceptance in adult Beagle dogs (n = 20; 10 male, 10 female) during a 48-hr period. Diets contained graded levels of BSFL meal (5.0%, 10.0%, and 20.0%), or graded levels of BSFL oil (2.5% and 5.0%), and all diets were well accepted. Thus, a digestibility trial (trial 2) was run with 56 adult dogs (16 male, 40 female) allocated into 7 dietary treatments; dogs were offered an extruded control diet containing no BSFL meal or oil, or extruded diets where BSFL meal partially replaced poultry by-product meal and corn meal at dietary levels of 5%, 10%, or 20% inclusion, or diets with BSFL oil partially replacing poultry fat at a 1:1 ratio at levels of 1%, 2.5%, or 5% inclusion. The treatment diets were fed for 28 d, during which time dogs were monitored for health (via physical examinations, clinical observations, and blood chemistry and hematology) and ingredient evaluation (via body weight, feed consumption, stool observation, and fecal nutrient apparent total tract digestibility). There were no significant differences in body weight or food consumption between treatment groups (P > 0.05) and daily observations indicated that the general health of the animals was maintained throughout the study. Stool quality was maintained at 3.2 to 3.4 (on a 5-point scale with a score of 1 being watery diarrhea and a score of 5 being hard, dry, and crumbly) per treatment group over the fecal observation period (days 22 to 27), indicating a well formed, sticky stool. All group mean hematology and blood chemistry parameters remained within normal limits for dogs. Apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter, protein, fat, and calories was not affected by treatment (P > 0.05). In general, amino acid digestibility was not impacted by treatment although some minor changes were observed. Apparent total tract digestibility was high for all nutrients examined.

2. 研究結論顯示,將黑水虻幼蟲粉添加到狗食中可以成為一種適當的蛋白質來源,與家禽肉粉相比具有更高的蛋白質和脂肪的可消化性。

El Wahab et al. (2021) Insect Larvae Meal (Hermetia illucens) as a Sustainable Protein Source of Canine Food and Its Impacts on Nutrient Digestibility and Fecal Quality,Animals2021,11

(9), 2525


Insect larvae meal has been proposed as a sustainable protein source for animal diets. This study aimed to provide information on including black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFL;Hermetia illucens) in comparison to poultry meal (PM) in the canine diet with regard to digestibility and fecal characteristics. In light of this trend, the levels of PM or BSFL meal were added to replace about 30% of dry matter of the basic extruded diet. Six Beagle dogs (BW 9.64 kg) were included in a cross-over experiment. Dogs fed a BSFL meal-based diet showed higher (p< 0.05) apparent protein digestibility (82.3%) compared to those offered a PM-based diet (80.5%). Apparent digestibility for fat was higher (p< 0.05) in groups fed the BSFL meal-based diet (94.5%) compared to those offered the PM-based diet (91.6%). The fecal consistency scores for dogs fed both diets were within an acceptable range (well-formed and firm). Fecal dry matter content was higher (p< 0.05) for dogs fed the PM-based diet (33.0%) compared to those offered the BSFL meal-based diet (28.0%).


3. 研究結果支持在寵物食品中使用黑水虻幼蟲作為替代蛋白質來源。

Do, Sungho (2021) Black soldier fly larvae as an alternative protein source for canine and feline diets. Dissertation at Animal Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


The overall objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the nutrient composition of BSFL, its amino acid (AA) digestibilities using a precision-fed cecectomized rooster model, and its effects on palatability, apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD), fecal characteristics, and skin and coat health markers of healthy adult cats. Our first aim was to determine the effects of harvest age on nutrient and AA digestibility and digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS)-like values of BSFL using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay. The BSFL were harvested at six different ages (days after hatch; day 0, 11, 14, 18, 23, and 29). Our second aim was to evaluate the effects of BSFL dietary calcium form and concentration on nutrient composition, nutrient and AA digestibilities, and DIAAS-like values for BSFL using the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) were used to raise BSFL at different concentrations (1.2% of CaCl2, 1.2% of CaCO3, 0.75% of CaCO3, and 0.6% of CaCl2 and CaCO3). Our third aim was to determine palatability and ATTD of BSFL-containing canned diets, fecal characteristics, and skin and coat health markers of healthy adult cats consuming them. Cats were fed the canned diets formulated with poultry by-product meal (PBPM), BSFL meal, whole BSFL, and BSFL oil. In our first aim, we determined that all harvest ages of BSFL were contained high-quality protein that were well digested, but AA digestibilities were highest at days 14, 18, and 23. Threonine, Met, Cys, and Arg often were the first-limiting AA of BSFL based on DIAAS-like reference values for dogs and cats.

In our second aim, we determined that nutrient and AA digestibilities were high (81% to 96% digestibilities), but not different among BSFL fed different calcium sources and concentrations.

Aromatic AA (Phe + Tyr) and sulfur-containing AA (Met + Cys) often were the first-limiting AA based on DIAAS-like reference values for dogs and cats.

In our third aim, we reported that the intake ratios were higher in cats fed canned diets containing BSFL meal (1.93:1), whole BSFL (2.03:1), and BSFL oil (1.57:1) compared with a poultry-based control diet.

Fecal pH and scores and caloric intake were not different (P > 0.05) among diets, but fecal output (as-is, DM, and kcal/d) was highest (P < 0.05) for cats fed BSFL meal compared with those fed BSFL oil. The ATTD of acid-hydrolyzed fat (AHF) was not different among treatments, while DM ATTD was greater (P < 0.05) for cats fed the BSFL oil diet than for those fed the BSFL meal diet. The ATTD of OM by cats fed control or BSFL oil diets was greater (P < 0.05) than for those fed the BSFL meal or BSFL whole diets. For crude protein (CP) and energy, ATTD was greatest (P < 0.05) for cats fed the BSFL oil diet and lowest for those fed the BSFL meal diet. Skin and coat health markers, including skin transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin hydration status, hair imaging score, and skin and coat hair scores were not affected (P > 0.05) by treatments. Similarly, hematology and a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to saline, phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), and concanavalin A (CONA) showed no differences (P > 0.05) among diets. A select serum metabolites were affected by diet (P < 0.05), but remained within reference ranges. This research provided information on the potential for using BSFL in pet foods. Based on our results, the suggested harvest age of BSFL ranges between 14 and 23 days because these ages provide the highest protein quality. Black soldier fly larvae raised with calcium chloride and calcium carbonate accumulate more calcium, but protein quality was similar.